Activity - Paper Sliding/"Paperworks" style (40 minutes)
Brainchild of Common Craft Video Production
Example by Jennifer Nicholson.
Make a Video on One of the Following
- How I want to use the Flip Video in my class
- Video tips on how to capture a great interview
- Tips for creating a better video
- Use your imagination as long as you can use the props we've provided
Video Preproduction (25 minutes)
Make a quick storyboard of your video.
Use this template to write your script. Keep your script no longer than 2-3 minutes.
Cut out your props and selectively add a little color or bold lines.
Set up your shooting area by taping down background paper and finding placement for camera.
Practice reading your script with expression and rehearse your paper moves.
Video Production (15 minutes)
- Try to minimize editing by filming in just a couple shots.
- Have fun!
- Camera height - suspend camera from something over the table if possible and shoot down at the table.
- Tripod - a gripping tripod may be useful for suspending the camera.
- Framing - avoid getting the edges outside of your background paper as it looks tacky.
- Practice, practice, practice - Script should be read with expression, movements of props/paper should be smooth without delays.
- Artwork - clean, simple artwork with bold black outlines and selective use of color can make or break your final product.
- Shadows - watch for shadows and consider using an extra light source. Check out this CommonCraft Blog entry with pictures of their video studio and use four halogen lights!
- See CommonCraft Blog entry with shots of Lee Lefever's work for more tips and background Info (awesome resource).
Conduct Interview
(30 minutes)
- Conduct the Interview keeping in mind the following:
- If you have more than one video camera, place one where you can see the interviewee's face, another to capture both the interviewers and interviewee.
- If you only have one camera, use the video techniques mentioned above.
- Start the video rolling BEFORE you sit down to interview
Editing Your Video
(45 minutes) ADRIENNE/Eileen
1. Overview
2. Installing and opening the software
3. Built-in help
4. Save videos to computer
5. Trim video (trim beginning and/or end of individual video in edit mode, save with new name)
6. Create movie (combine clips with titles and music)
7. Snapshot (export still image from a video)
Additional Paperworks Resources & Examples
More Examples
Professional Common Craft video explanation with paper - Example
Thank you to Karen McMillan for sharing the work of her 8th graders on explorers:
Samuel de Champlain
Flip Video Resources from the Flipspotlight channel on You Tube
Preproducing Your Video - Purpose of the video, shot list, interview - including main point, multiple cameras, tripod, video releases
Shooting Your Video - Create intro, capture shot list, introduce clips while filming, conclusion
Editing Your Video in FlipShare - Import clips into computer from camera, label clips, create folders, trim clips, create your movie
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